Faculty & Staff Directory

Faculty within the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences are committed to providing students with the highest quality education and transformative experiences. 

They are dedicated to preparing our students achieve their dreams, and supporting them throughout that journey.

Faculty/Staff Directory

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Name Position Department Location Phone
Lieutenant Colonel Erik J. Lampe Head, Department of Military Science; Professor of Military Science Military Science

273D Nielsen Field House

Name Position Department Location Phone
Deb Ackerson Secretary III Military Science (319) 273-7648
Dilbur Arsiwalla Associate Professor of Psychology Psychology

Bartlett 1062

(319) 273-7707
Kenneth R. Atkinson Professor of History; Graduate Program Coordinator History

Seerley 318

(319) 273-6990
C. Murray Austin Professor Emeritus Geography
Name Position Department Location Phone
Phyllis Baker Emeritus Professor of Sociology Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology
Kimberly Baker Associate Professor of Criminology; SAC Internship Coordinator Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

Bartlett 2128

(319) 273-7456
Frank Baker, MA, LAT, ATC Assistant Athletic Trainer & Instructor Kinesiology & Athletic Training

University of Northern Iowa
Human Performance Center 3
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0241

Kenneth Basom Emeritus Professor of Political Science Political Science
Brenda L. Bass Dean, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences; Professor of Family Studies College of Social & Behavioral Sciences

Sabin 319

(319) 273-2221
Jenny Becker, LISW Director of Field Instruction Social Work

Sabin 247

(319) 273-7881
Christine Bennett Adjunct Instructor of Psychology Psychology

Bartlett 1067

(319) 273-5812
Melanie Billington Office Coordinator I Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 104

(319) 273-6475
Donald Bishop, MA, ATC, LAT Instructor, Athletic Training & Director, Athletic Training Services Kinesiology & Athletic Training

HPC 008C

(319) 273-6369
Daniel Block Adjunct Instructor of Political Science Political Science
Alicja Boruta-Sadkowski Instructor of History History

Seerley 338

SFC Michael Bottcher Military Science Instructor ; MS III Instructor/Advisor Military Science

Nielsen Field House 273

Kelsey Bourbeau, PhD Assistant Professor, Kinesiology Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 137

(319) 273-5673
Seth Brown Professor of Psychology Psychology

Bartlett 2073

(319) 273-6091
Gregory L. Bruess Associate Dean, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences; Associate Professor of History History

Seerley 334

(319) 273-2752
Stacie Buchanan, MSW Social Work Adjunct Instructor Social Work
Dorothy Burt Clerk III Psychology

Bartlett 1078

(319) 273-2303
Tam Burt, PhD Instructor Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 115

(319) 273-3013
Adam Butler Department Head and Professor of Psychology; Interim Department Head of Social Work Psychology, Social Work

Bartlett 1078

(319) 273-7717
Name Position Department Location Phone
Fernando Calderón Associate Professor of History History

Seerley 330

(319) 273-7057
Sarina Carrillo Secretary III Social Work

Sabin Hall 235

Olivia (Pei-Chun) Chen Clinical Coordinator of School Counseling; Associate Professor of Counseling Family, Aging & Counseling

241 Latham Hall

Jiuqing Cheng Associate Professor of Psychology Psychology

Bartlett 2068

(319) 273-2373
HyeYoung Cho, PhD Assistant Professor, Kinesiology Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 117

(319) 273-6478
Wendy Christensen Secretary I Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology, Social Work
Chad Christopher Coordinator, Social Science and History Teaching Social Science & History Education

328 Seerley Hall

Ryan Cline Supply & Human Resource Assistant Military Science 563-589-3804
Thomas G. Connors Associate Professor of History History

Seerley 324

(319) 273-2994
Disa Cornish, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Public Health Nursing & Public Health

ITTC 305

Dr. Rev. Belinda Creighton-Smith, MDiv, EdD Social Work Adjunct Instructor Social Work

Social Work

Benjamin Keith Crew Emeritus Professor of Criminology Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology
Alex Crum, MA, LAT, ATC Assistant Athletic Trainer & Instructor Kinesiology & Athletic Training

University of Northern Iowa
Human Performance Center 3
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0241

Barbara Cutter Professor of History History

Seerley 336

(319) 273-5909
Name Position Department Location Phone
Dennis Dahms Affiliate Research Professor Geography

ITTC 215

(319) 273-6845
Linda Davis Secretary II Family, Aging & Counseling 319-273-6414
Gracie Davis ROTC Supply Technician Military Science

Nielson Field House - 165D

Sue Davis Secretary III, Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, Geography; Graduate Secretary, Women's & Gender Studies Geography

ITTC 205

(319) 273-2772
Tatiana Degai Affiliate Assistant Professor Geography
Major Clayton Degenhardt - Military Science (563) 589-3850
John DeGroote Director of GeoTREE; Instructor of Geography Geography

ITTC 214

(319) 273-6158
M. Catherine DeSoto Professor of Psychology Psychology

Bartlett 2062

(319) 273-7475
Rebecca Dickinson, PhD, LISW, RPT-S Associate Professor Social Work

Sabin 241

(319) 273-7859
Rodney B. Dieser, Ph.D Affiliate Faculty College of Social & Behavioral Sciences

WRC 225

(319) 273-7775
Theodore Dingemans Assistant Adjunct Professor of Geography Geography

ITTC 217

Robert L. Dise (Jr.) Associate Professor of History History

Seerley 326

(319) 273-5906
Cyndi Dunn Professor Emerita of Anthropology Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology
Jordan Dunn, LISW, IADC Social Work Adjunct Instructor Social Work
Name Position Department Location Phone
Stacia Eggers Instructor Kinesiology & Athletic Training

UNI Dome NW 310

Andrew Eisenman Assistant Adjunct Professor of Counseling Family, Aging & Counseling
Kyle Endres Associate Director for the Center of Social and Behavioral Research; Assistant Professor of Political Science Political Science

Social Behavioral Research 202

(319) 273-2105
Elaine M. Eshbaugh Professor of Gerontology & Davis Professorship of Gerontology; NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative Family, Aging & Counseling

Latham 217

(319) 273-6083
Todd Evans, PhD, ATC, LAT Associate Professor, Athletic Training Kinesiology & Athletic Training

HPC 003E

(319) 273-6152
Name Position Department Location Phone
Louis E. Fenech Professor of History History

Seerley 344

(319) 273-2268
SFC Dakota Fingerson Military Science Instructor, University of Dubuque Military Science
Wm. Michael Fleming Associate Professor of Family Studies; Director of Research and Assessment, Patricia A. Tomson Center for Violence Prevention Family, Aging & Counseling

Latham 221

(319) 273-6301
Fabio Fontana, PhD Department Head, Professor, Kinesiology and Physical Education Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 177

(319) 273-6854
Gloria Fontenot Human Resource Assistant Military Science 319-273-6178
R. Lane Forsman, Ph.D, LCSW Assistant Professor Social Work

Sabin 259

(319) 273-5690
Carissa Froyum Interim Head, Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Criminology; Professor of Sociology Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

BAR 1126

(319) 273-6294
Libby Fry, LMSW, CNP Instructor; BSW Program Director Social Work

Sabin 243

(319) 273-7204
F. James Fryman Professor Emeritus Geography
Name Position Department Location Phone
Donald Gaff Associate Professor of Anthropology, Adjunct Curator, UNI Museums Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

Bartlett 1121

(319) 273-7274
Troy Garrett, EdD, ATC, LAT Instructor, Athletic Training & Assistant Athletic Trainer Kinesiology & Athletic Training

HPC 008A

(319) 273-7448
Michael Gasser Professor of Psychology Psychology

Bartlett 2078

(319) 273-7178
Sara Geiger Adjunct Instructor Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

BAR 1112

Albert Gilgen Professor of Psychology Psychology
Andrew Gilpin Professor of Psychology Psychology
Joanne A. Goldman Professor Emeritus History
Mark Grey Professor of Anthropology Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

BAR 2132

(319) 273-3029
Susan Grover Secretary III Psychology

BAR 1078

Anne Marie Gruber Social Work Department Library Liaison Social Work

LIB 381

Office hours in classroom buildings (Fall & Spring semesters):

Mondays 1:30-3:30pm in McCollum (lounge next to room 201)
Wednesdays 1:30-3:30pm in Sabin (hallway near office 235)

(319) 273-3711
Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi Professor of Interior Design Interior Design

Latham 213

(319) 273-2603
Gary Gute Professor and Director, Human Potential Project and UNIFlowLab College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Applied Human Sciences

Latham 229, Bartlett 1109

(319) 273-6149
Name Position Department Location Phone
James Hall, EdD Instructor, Kinesiology and Physical Education Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 107

(319) 273-2406
Eran Hanke Clinical Coordinator of Mental Health Counseling; Assistant Professor of Counseling Family, Aging & Counseling

Latham Hall 249

Helen Harton Professor of Psychology and Coordinator of Graduate Studies Psychology

Bartlett 2080

(319) 273-2235
Allen Hays Emeritus Professor of Political Science Political Science
Taylor Heath Assistant Adjunct Professor of Counseling Family, Aging & Counseling
Mark Hecimovich, PhD, ATC Professor, Athletic Training Kinesiology & Athletic Training

HPC 003C

(319) 273-6477
Melinda (Mindy) Heinz Assistant Professor of Gerontology Family, Aging & Counseling

Latham Hall 225

Allison Heit, MSN, RN Clinical Assistant Professor Nursing & Public Health

ITTC 317

Louis Hellwig Professor of Psychology Psychology
Captain Isra Hendon Assistant Professor, Military Science; MS II Instructor/Advisor Military Science
William Henninger Head, Department of Family, Aging & Counseling; Associate Professor of Family Studies Family, Aging & Counseling

245 Latham Hall - 0332

(319) 273-6383
Reinier H. Hesselink Professor of History History

Seerley 346

(319) 273-2261
Wallace A. Hettle Professor of History History

Seerley 207

(319) 273-2942
Carolyn Hildebrandt Professor of Psychology Psychology

Bartlett 1077

(319) 273-7179
Robert Hitlan Professor of Psychology Psychology

Bartlett 1069

(319) 273-2223
Janeece Hodge, LMSW Social Work Adjunct Instructor Social Work
Donna Hoffman Chuck and Barbara Grassley Professor of Political Science Political Science

Sabin 341

(319) 273-5916
Charles W. Holcombe Professor of History History

Seerley 342

(319) 273-5907
Carrie Hollerud MSN, RN Academic Coordinator, Nursing Clinical Education Nursing & Public Health 641-814-2052
Gina Holman, MSN, RN Clinical Assistant Professor Nursing & Public Health

ITTC 316

Justin Holmes Associate Professor of Political Science Political Science

358 Sabin Hall

(319) 273-6305
Mark Howard Adjunct Instructor Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

BAR 1112

Tolif Hunt Director Research & Sponsored Programs Geography

213 East Bartlett Hall

(319) 273-3025
Kim Hurley, PhD Associate Professor, Kinesiology and Physical Education Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 119

(319) 273-2685
Name Position Department Location Phone
Itunu Ilesanmi, MSW, MPA, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Social Work

Sabin 257

(319) 273-5639
Name Position Department Location Phone
Amanda Jahnke Sauer Marketing & Communications Manager College of Social & Behavioral Sciences

327B Sabin Hall

Kelly Jensen Secretary III College of Social & Behavioral Sciences

319 Sabin Hall

John W. Johnson Professor Emeritus History
Mr. Willie Jones Scholarship and Enrollment Officer Military Science (319) 273-6225
Cindy Juby, PhD, MSW Associate Professor of Social Work Social Work
Nashae (Nikki) Julian Assistant Adjunct Professor of Counseling Family, Aging & Counseling
Name Position Department Location Phone
Nancy Kertz, Ph.D., FNP-BC Head, Department of Nursing & Public Health; Chief Academic Nurse Administrator Nursing & Public Health

ITTC 305

Alexandra Kogl Associate Professor of Political Science Political Science

Sabin 347

(319) 273-2465
Kesley Kramer Kinesiology & Athletic Training
Marian Krogman Emeritus Professor of Political Science Political Science
Stanislav Ksenofontov Postdoctoral Scholar of Arctic, Remote and Cold Territories Interdisciplinary Center (ARCTICenter) Geography

EBAR 220

(319) 273-7467
Mariia Kuklina Postdoctoral Scholar of Arctic, Remote and Cold Territories Interdisciplinary Center (ARCTICenter) Geography

EBAR 233

(319) 273-6059
Ashleigh Kysar-Moon Assistant Professor of Sociology Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

Bartlett 1117

(319) 273-3932
Name Position Department Location Phone
Christopher Larimer Professor of Political Science Political Science

Sabin 349

(319) 273-6047
Thomas Larsen Assistant Professor of Instruction of Geography Geography

ITTC 216

(319) 273-2772
Sei-Young Lee, PhD, MSW Associate Professor Social Work

Sabin 245

(319) 273-6248
Jay T. Lees Professor Emeritus History
Kellyann Lekar Adjunct Instructor of Political Science Political Science
Bingqing Liang Associate Professor of Geography; Graduate Coordinator Geography

ITTC 209

(319) 273-3609
Khamsai Lo Assistant Professor of Practice Interior Design

Latham 219

Mary Losch Director of CSBR and Professor of Psychology Psychology

CBR 202

(319) 273-2105
Julie Lowell Professor Emerita of Anthropology Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology
Gene Lutz Emeritus Professor of Sociology Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology
Ken Lyftogt Professor Emeritus History
Name Position Department Location Phone
Emily A. Machen Associate Dean for Student Success ; Professor of History College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, History

Sabin 301 B

(319) 273-3184
Mickey Mack, PhD Professor, Kinesiology and Physical Education Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 125

(319) 273-6129
Kim MacLin Professor of Psychology Psychology

Bartlett 2077

(319) 273-2302
Maddie Tobler Kinesiology & Athletic Training
Donna J. Maier Professor Emeritus History
Matthew Makarios Associate Professor of Criminology Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

Bartlett 1111

(319) 273-2473
Cordelia Martin Secretary III History

Seerley 319

(319) 273-2097
Robert F. Martin Professor Emeritus History
Philip Mauceri Emeritus Professor of Political Science Political Science
Dave May Professor Emeritus Geography
Shelley McCumber Instructor School of Health & Human Sciences
Jennifer McNabb Department Head and Professor of History History

Seerley 319

(319) 273-2097
Ramona McNeal Associate Professor of Political Science Political Science

Sabin 343

(319) 273-6493
Kristin Meany-Walen Clinical Assistant Professor of Counseling Family, Aging & Counseling
Todd Mensink Adjunct Instructor Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

BAR  1112

Terence Moriarty, PhD Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Physical Education Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 109

(319) 273-6866
Alysa Mozak, M.S., CSHE Director, Patricia A. Tomson Center of Violence Prevention; Adjunct Family, Aging & Counseling

Sabin 309

Name Position Department Location Phone
Natalie Nedza, MSN, RN Clinical Assistant Professor Nursing & Public Health

ITTC 318

Robert J. Neymeyer Instructor of History History

Seerley 316

Name Position Department Location Phone
Tim O'Connor Professor Emeritus History
Jaimie L. O’Gara, Ph.D., LISW, CADC Assistant Professor of Social Work Social Work 319-273-3163
Tyler O`Brien Associate Professor of Anthropology, Forensic Anthropology Consultant Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

Bartlett 2121

(319) 273-2789
Alex Oberle Professor of Geography Geography

ITTC 207

(319) 273-6332
J. Henry Owusu Professor Emeritus Geography
Name Position Department Location Phone
Nikki Pauli, LMHC, NCC, RPT-S, CadPT Assistant Adjunct Professor of Social Work and Counseling Social Work, Family, Aging & Counseling
SFC Edward Pavelec Iowa Army National Guard Recruiter Military Science
Erin Pavioni Adjunct Instructor Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

BAR 1112

Meghan Peacock, MS, LAT, ATC Instructor, Athletic Training, and Assistant Athletic Trainer Kinesiology & Athletic Training

Human Performance Center

(319) 273-2141
Scott Peters Department Head and Professor of Political Science Political Science

Sabin 335b

(319) 273-2727
Andrey Petrov Professor of Geography; Academic Director, GeoTREE Center; Director, ARCTICenter Geography

ITTC 213

(319) 273-6245
Anne Plagge Assistant Professor of Family Services Family, Aging & Counseling 319-273-2814
Tami Popenhagen Secretary III Family, Aging & Counseling

Latham Hall 235

Name Position Department Location Phone
Jacob Reed, PhD Associate Professor, Kinesiology and Physical Education Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 121

(319) 273-2071
Jayme Renfro Associate Professor of Political Science Political Science
Evan Renfro Associate Professor of Political Science Political Science
Rebecca Renze Assistant Adjunct Professor of Counseling Family, Aging & Counseling
Jimmy Reyes, Ph.D., DNP, AGNP, RN, FRE Assistant Professor of Practice Nursing & Public Health 319-383-8732
Gayle Rhineberger Professor of Criminology Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

Bartlett 1116

(319) 273-3245
SFC Jonathon Richardson Military Science Instructor Military Science

202 Severance Hall
University of Dubuque

Brian Roberts Professor Emeritus History
Susan Roberts-Dobie, Ph.D. Professor, Public Health Nursing & Public Health

ITTC 314

LeAnn Romanazzi Instructor, Kinesiology; Instructor, Health, Recreation and Community Services Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 233

(319) 273-3037
Rachel Ronan Strength and Conditioning Program Coordinator Kinesiology & Athletic Training

University of Northern Iowa
Wellness & Recreation Ctr 104
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0200

Brandon Ronan Strength and Conditioning Program Coordinator Kinesiology & Athletic Training

University of Northern Iowa
Wellness & Recreation Ctr 104
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0200

Robert Ross Emeritus Professor of Political Science Political Science
Brian Rumsey Instructor of History History

Seerley 338

Roxann Ryan Adjunct Instructor Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

BAR 1112

Name Position Department Location Phone
Konrad Sadkowski Associate Professor of History History

Seerley 312

(319) 273-2765
Roy Sandstrom Professor Emeritus History
Heather M. Schaffner Instructor of History History

Seerley 308

(319) 273-2933
Jennifer Schmudlach Adjunct Instructor Social Work
Casey Schotter Instructor of Criminology & Criminal Justice Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

BAR 1118

Tricia Schrage, EdD, ATC, LAT Assistant Professor, Athletic Training & Coordinator, Clinical Education Kinesiology & Athletic Training

HPC 003F

(319) 273-7493
Nicholas Schwab Associate Professor of Psychology Psychology

Bartlett 2074

(319) 273-7251
Victoria Sharakhmatova Postdoctoral Scholar of Arctic, Remote and Cold Territories Interdisciplinary Center (ARCTICenter) Geography

EBAR 224

Major Andrew Smith Assistant Professor, Military Science; MS I Instructor/Advisor Military Science

Nielsen Field House 273

Jed Smith Assistant Director, Strength and Conditioning; Instructor Kinesiology & Athletic Training

University of Northern Iowa
Wellness & Recreation Ctr 104
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0200

Kelli Snyder, EdD, ATC, LAT Associate Professor, Athletic Training & Program Director Kinesiology & Athletic Training

HPC 003G

(319) 273-7401
John Somervill, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology Psychology
Kristin Soppe Administrative Assistant Nursing & Public Health

ITTC 305

Gloria Stafford Retired Associate Professor of Interior Design Interior Design

Latham 219

(319) 273-6362
Marybeth Stalp Professor of Sociology; ASA Program Reviewer and Consultant Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

Bartlett 2112

(319) 273-2786
Tim Strauss Professor Emeritus Geography

ITTC 209

Kirk Stufflebeam Assistant Adjunct Professor of Geography Geography

ITTC 212

(319) 273-6948
Charletta D. Sudduth, EdD, MSW Social Work Adjunct Instructor Social Work
Jesse G. Swan Coordinator, Women's and Gender Studies; Professor of English Women's & Gender Studies

225 Sabin Hall

Name Position Department Location Phone
Lisa Tabor Associate Professor of Geography Education/Social Science Education Geography (319) 273-7343
Rowena Tan Scholarship Coordinator & Instructor of Psychology Psychology

Sabin 327C

Nathan C. Taylor Assistant Professor of Family Studies Family, Aging & Counseling

243 Latham Hall - 0332

(319) 273-2702
Sweta Tiwari Postdoctoral Scholar of Arctic, Remote and Cold Territories Interdisciplinary Center (ARCTICenter) Geography

EBAR 235

(319) 273-3778
Boone Tomlinson Intern Assistant/Fellow Athletic Trainer and Clinical Preceptor Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 203

(319) 273-7479
Name Position Department Location Phone
Anna Vaagensmith Grants Manager and Data Collection Specialist Geography 319-273-4965
Dhirendra Vajpeyi Emeritus Professor of Political Science Political Science
Matthew L. Vasquez, PhD, LMSW Associate Professor Social Work

Sabin 249

(319) 273-5892
Angelica Velazquillo Franco Instructor Social Work

Sabin 251

Megan Vogt-Kostner, MA, MSW Senior Research Analyst-Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Planning; Social Work Adjunct Instructor Social Work
Name Position Department Location Phone
David Walker Professor Emeritus History
Linda Walsh Associate Professor of Psychology Psychology
Brian Warby Adjunct Instructor of Political Science Political Science

Sabin 356

(319) 273-3151
Kamryn Warren Assistant Professor of Sociology Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology

Bartlett 1123

(319) 273-2786
Carol A. Weisenberger Professor Emeritus History
Windee Weiss, PhD Professor, Kinesiology and Physical Education Kinesiology & Athletic Training (319) 273-2011
Mark Welford Professor and Head of Geography; Director of Environmental Resource Management program Geography

ITTC 205

Kay Weller Professor Emerita Geography

ITTC 216

Charlotte C. Wells Professor Emeritus History
Blaine Wessels Kinesiology & Athletic Training
Karla Whitney Administrative Assistant College of Social & Behavioral Sciences

310 Sabin

(319) 273-2252
Johnathan Williams Assistant Professor of Instruction History 319-273-5869
Stacy Wilson Adjunct Family, Aging & Counseling 319.382.0480
Nicole Winther, MA, LISW Social Work Adjunct Instructor Social Work
Name Position Department Location Phone
Cari Zubke, MEd, ATC, LAT, CES Instructor, Athletic Training, and Assistant Athletic Trainer Kinesiology & Athletic Training

WRC 203

(319) 273-2141