Cindy Juby, PhD, MSW
Associate Professor of Social Work

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Cindy Juby, PhD, MSW
Associate Professor of Social Work
Child Welfare
Child Welfare
van Wormer, K. & Juby, C. (2015). Cultural representations in Walt Disney film: Implications for social work education. Journal of Social Work.
Juby, C., Downs, W., & Rindels, B. (2013). Intimate partner violence victimization, maternal child maltreatment, and the mediating impact of changes in family structure. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal.DOI 10.1007/s10560-013-0318-0
van Wormer, K., Kaplan, L.E., & Juby, C. (2012). Confronting oppression, restoring justice: From policy analysis to social action. Alexandria, VA: CSWE.
Juby, C. & Kaplan, L. (2011). Postville: The effects of an immigration raid. Families in Society, 92(2), 147-153.
Juby, C. & Meyer, E. (2010). Child malnutrition and current United States policy. Journal of Social Work, 10(4).
Juby, C. (2009). Program availability as it impacts child maltreatment. Contemporary Rural Social Work, 1(1).
Juby, C. (2009). Parental attitude: A mediating role in disciplinary methods used by parents. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 26(6).
Juby, C. & Scannapieco, M. (2007). Characteristics of workload management in public child welfare agencies. Administration in Social Work, 31(3).
Juby, C. & Rycraft, J.R. (2004). Family preservation strategies for families in poverty. Families in Society, 85(4).