Ashleigh Kysar-Moon
Assistant Professor of Sociology

Bartlett 1117
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Ashleigh Kysar-Moon
Assistant Professor of Sociology
“Child Maltreatment and Cumulative Inequality: Does Resiliency Reduce Disparities in Minority Health and Developmental Outcomes?”
Ph.D. in Sociology, Purdue University (2017)
MA in Sociology, Ball State University (2011)
BA in Sociology and Communication, Marian University (2009)
Childhood Adversity; Trauma; Mental Health Disparities (Race, Ethnicity, Social Class, & Gender)
Kysar-Moon, Ashleigh E. 2019. “Childhood Adversity, Race, and Internalizing Problems: Evidence of a Mental Health Paradox?” Society and Mental Health Available online first
Kysar-Moon, Ashleigh E. and Sarah Mustillo. 2018 “Race/Ethnicity and Traumatic Brain Injury: Are there Disparities in Positive Screenings and Diagnoses among Returning OEF and OIF Service Members?” Armed Forces & Society 45:1:155-176.
Mustillo, Sarah A. and Ashleigh Kysar-Moon. 2017. “Race, Gender, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the US Military: Differential Vulnerability?” Armed Forces & Society 43:2:322-345.
Mustillo, Sarah, Ashleigh Kysar-Moon, Susan R. Douglas, Ryan Hargraves, Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth, and Nicole Frazier. 2015 “Overview of Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Misuse among Active Duty Service Members Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, Self-Report and Diagnosis.” Military Medicine 180:4:419-427.
Petts, Richard J. and Ashleigh E. Kysar-Moon. 2012. “Child Discipline and Conservative Protestantism: Why the Relationship between Corporal Punishment and Child Behavior may vary by Religious Context.” Review of Religious Research 54:4:445-468.