Emily A. Machen
Associate Dean for Student Success
Professor of History

Sabin 301 B
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Emily A. Machen
Associate Dean for Student Success
Professor of History
Ph.D., the University of Mississippi, 2006
Dr. Emily Machen has taught a spectrum of courses, from the introductory courses Field Experience in Public History and Making the Modern World, to Culture and Justice in History: the World at War, Modern European Women's History, and Europe from WWI to the Present.
Professor Machen’s research studies the changing roles of Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish women within their religious communities in early twentieth-century France. She published the book Women of Faith and Religious Identity in Fin-de-Siècle France (Religion and Politics) in 2018.
Professor Machen received the Panther's First Award for excellence in teaching. She has also received the teaching award for untenured faculty from University Book and Supply in Cedar Falls, and she also won an award for “Young Alumni of Merit” from Southeast Missouri State University.