Scott Peters
Department Head and Professor of Political Science

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Scott Peters
Department Head and Professor of Political Science
Ph.D. University of Kentucky (1998)
M.A. University of Kentucky (1996)
B.A. Truman State University (1993)
American politics, especially the judicial system.
My research focuses on state supreme court elections. In particular, I am interested in the effectiveness of various ethical restrictions that states place on judicial candidates. I am also interested in the role of interest groups in judicial elections today, and the effects of television advertising and other sophisticated campaigning techniques that are increasingly used in these elections.
Regulating Judicial Elections: Assessing State Codes of Judicial Conduct. 2017. Routledge.
“Justice(s) Denied: A County-Level Analysis of the 2010 Iowa Supreme Court Retention Election.” (With Andrew J. Clopton). 2013. Justice System Journal, 34(3): 321-344.
“Canons of Ethics and Accountability in State Supreme Court Election, 1998-2006.” 2009. State Politics and Policy Quarterly, 9(1): 24-55.
“Campaigning for State Supreme Court 2006”. 2008. Justice System Journal, 29(2): 166-186.
“Getting Attention: The Effect of Legal Mobilization on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Attention to Issues.” 2007. Political Research Quarterly, 60(3): 561.
“Canons, Cost and Competition in State Supreme Court Elections.” 2007. Judicature, 91(1):27-35.