Carissa Froyum
Interim Head, Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Criminology
Professor of Sociology

BAR 1126
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Carissa Froyum
Interim Head, Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Criminology
Professor of Sociology
Faculty Service Award, CSBS 2019
United Faculty Emerging Leader Award, 2016
Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Liberal Arts Core, 2016
University Book and Supply Outstanding Teaching Award recipient, 2011
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award for Untenured Faculty, 2011-2
Ph.D. (2007), North Carolina State University
Social Inequality, Social Psychology, Emotions, Volunteerism, Theory, Qualitative Methods
Froyum, Carissa. 2018. “’They’re Just Like You and Me’: Cultivating Volunteer Sympathy.” Symbolic Interaction. 41(1): 465-487.
Risman, Barbara, Carissa M. Froyum, and William Scarborough, editors. 2018. The Handbook on the Sociology of Gender. 2nd edition. Springer.
2018. Cahill, Spencer, Kent Sandstrom, and Carissa Froyum, editors. 2018. Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and Microsociology. Eighth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
McTague, Tricia, Carissa Froyum and Barbara Risman. 2017. "Learning about inequality from kids: Interviewing strategies for getting beneath equality rhetoric.” Sociological Studies of Children and Youth: Researching Children and Youth: Methodological Issues, Strategies, and Innovations. 22: 277-301.Froyum, Carissa, Katrina Bloch, and Tiffany Taylor, Editors. 2016. Creating and Contesting Social Inequalities: Contemporary Readings. New York: Oxford University Press.
Froyum, Carissa M. 2015. Invited book review of Manhood Acts by Michael Schwalbe. International Review of Modern Sociology.
Cahill, Spencer, Kent Sandstrom and Carissa Froyum, Editors. 2014. Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and Microsociology. Seventh Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
Froyum, Carissa M. 2013. “Dealing with Emotions in the Classroom.” in Teaching Race in Contemporary America, edited by Kristin Haltinner, Ronald Aminzade, and David N. Pellow. Springer.
Froyum, Carissa M. 2012. “Leaving the Street Alone: Contesting Street Manhood as a Gender Project.” Journal of Gender Studies 22(1): 38-53.
Froyum, Carissa M. 2012. “‘For the Betterment of Kids Who Look Like Me’: Professional Emotional Labour as a Racial Project.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 36(6): 1070-1089.
Froyum, Carissa M. and Marybeth Stalp. 2012. “Introduction to Special Issue: Constructing a Color Line in the Twenty-First Century.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. 4(1):3-6.
Froyum, Carissa M. 2011. Invited book review of Growing Up in America: The Power of Race in the Lives of Teens. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 40: 292-294.
Froyum, Carissa M. 2010. “The Reproduction of Inequalities through Emotional Capital: The Case of Socializing Low-Income Black Girls.” Qualitative Sociology 3(1):37-54.
Froyum, Carissa M. 2010. “Making ‘Good Girls’: Sexual Agency in the Sexuality Education of Low-Income Black Girls.” Culture, Health & Sexuality 12(1): 59-72.
Froyum, Carissa M. 2007. “‘At Least I’m Not Gay’: Heterosexual Identity Making among Poor Black Teens.” Sexualities 10(5):605-624.
Froyum, Carissa M. 2007. “Teaching Portfolio.” Teaching Portfolios Within the Discipline edited by Daniel G. Renfrow. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. Pp. 165-180.