Donna Hoffman

Chuck and Barbara Grassley Professor of Political Science

Donna Hoffman

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Donna Hoffman

Chuck and Barbara Grassley Professor of Political Science


Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
B.A., Phillips University

Research Interests

Presidential-congressional relations; presidential rhetoric; realignment theory; social and political change in the American electorate; southern politics; art, politics and culture

Professional Accomplishments

Donna R. Hoffman and Christopher W. Larimer.  2024.  “Three of a Kind: Iowa’s Unique Congressional Competitiveness.” In Walter Clark Wilson, Sean D. Foreman, and Marcia  L.Godwin, eds., The Roads to Congress 2022.  Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Donna R. Hoffman and Christopher W. Larimer.  2022. “Iowa: Islands in the Stream.” In David A. Schultz and Rafael Jacob, eds. Presidential Swing States, 3rd edition. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Donna R. Hoffman and Christopher W. Larimer.  2018.  “Iowa: Still Swinging after all these Years.” In David A. Schultz and Rafael Jacob, eds. Presidential Swing States, 2nd edition.  Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Donna R. Hoffman, Christopher W. Larimer, and Alison D. Howard.  2018.  “Iowa 2016: The Start of an Unusual Nomination Contest.”  In Jeanine E. Kraybill, ed., Unconventional, Partisan, and Polarizing Rhetoric: How the 2016 Election Shaped the Way Candidates Strategize, Engage, and Communicate.  Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Christopher W. Larimer and Donna R. Hoffman.  2018.  “Iowa: The Religious Right as Sometime Republican Kingmaker.”  In Mark J. Rozell and Clyde Wilcox, eds, God at the Grassroots 2016.  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Donna R. Hoffman and Christopher W. Larimer.  2017.  “Iowa’s First Congressional District: Anomaly or New Normal?”  In Sean Foreman and Marcia Godwin, eds., The Roads to Congress 2016.  New York:  Palgrave Macmillan.

Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard.  2016.  “Bush and the Faith-Based Initiative:  Forgoing the Role of Chief Legislator.”  In Meena Bose, ed., The George W. Bush Presidency: The Constitution, Politics, and Policymaking, Vol. 1.  Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers. 

Donna R. Hoffman and Christopher W. Larimer.  2015.    Battleground Iowa: Swing State Extraordinaire.  In Stacey Hunter-Hecht and David A. Schultz, eds.,  Presidential Swing-States: Why Only Ten Matter.  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Alison D. Howard and Donna R. Hoffman. 2013. "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Building American National Identity Through Art." Perspectives on Political Science 42 (3).

Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard. 2012.  Obama in Words and Deeds.  Social Science Quarterly, 93 (December):  1316-1337.

Alison D. Howard and Donna R. Hoffman. 2011.  Talking to Millennials: Policy Rhetoric and Rhetorical Narratives in the 2008 Presidential Campaign.  In  Mitchell S. McKinney and Mary Christine Banwart, eds.  Communication in the 2008 U.S. Elections: Digital Natives Elect a President. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Donna R. Hoffman. 2009.  Representation and the Rules of the Game: An Electoral Simulation.   PS: Political Science and Politics 42 (July):531-535.

Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard.  2007.  Representations of 9-11 in Editorial Cartoons.  PS: Political Science and Politics 40 (April): 271-74.

Alison D. Howard and Donna R. Hoffman.  2007.  Policy Making Rhetoric and Youth Issues in the 2004 Presidential Campaign.   American Behavioral Scientist 50 (May): 1264-72 .

Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard. 2006.  Addressing the State of the Union: The Evolution and Impact of the President’s Big Speech.  Boulder, CO:  Lynne Rienner Publishers.        

Charles S. Bullock, III, Donna R. Hoffman, and Ronald Keith Gaddie. 2006.  Regional Variations in the Realignment of American Politics, 1944-2004.  Social Science Quarterly 87 (September): 494-518.

Charles S. Bullock, III, Donna R. Hoffman, and Ronald Keith Gaddie. 2005.  The Consolidation of the White Southern Congressional Vote.  Political Research Quarterly 58 (June): 231-243.

Ronald Keith Gaddie and Donna R. Hoffman.  2001.  Critical Events in Contemporary Southern Politics:  Dynamic Growth and Partisan Percolations.  In John C. Kuzenski, Laurence W. Moreland, and Robert P. Steed, eds.  Eye of the Storm: The South and Congress in an Era of Change.  Westport, CT: Praeger.