Evan Renfro
Associate Professor of Political Science

Evan Renfro
Associate Professor of Political Science
Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
M.A., University of Texas at Austin
B.A., University of Texas at Austin
International relations; international security; Middle Eastern affairs; counter/intelligence; guerrilla warfare; imperialism; cultural studies; Arabic
Recipient: UNI Outstanding Teaching Award
Hopper, Philip, and Evan Renfro. Political Graffiti and Global Human Rights: Take Another Look. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2023.
Renfro, Evan. "The Combat Syllabus: Life, Death, and Books." Theory & Event 26, no. 3 (2023): 449-471.
Hopper, Philip, and Evan Renfro. "Speaking Graffiti: Imaging Human Rights from Belfast to the West Bank." Humanity & Society 46, no. 2 (2022): 202-225.
Renfro, Evan. “Stitched Together, Torn Apart: The Keffiyeh as Cultural Guide.” International Journal of Cultural Studies 21, 6 (2018): 571–586.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1367877917713266.
Renfro, Evan. “The ‘Affective Security Curriculum’: Breeding JBs through the Marriage of the Academic and the Jingoistic.” Cultural Studies 31, 4 (2017): 523-543.
Duvall, Linnea and Evan Renfro. “Refocusing the U.S. Strategic Security Perspective.” Joint Force Quarterly 76, 1 (2015): 64-70.
Renfro, Evan. Review of The Triumph of Israel’s Radical Right, by Ami Peadahzur, Israel Affairs 19, 3 (2013): 599-601.
Black, John and Evan Renfro. “Kangaroos and Kiwis: On the Marine Corps’ Partnership with Australia and New Zealand.” Marine Corps Gazette July (2013): 48-52.