Brenda L. Bass
Dean, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Professor of Family Studies

Sabin 319
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Brenda L. Bass
Dean, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Professor of Family Studies
M.S. and Ph.D., University of Arizona
B.A., California State University-Bakersfield
Work-Family Integration; Parenting Issues; Caregiving Over the Lifespan; Scholarship of Teaching in Higher Education
Bass, B.L., Linney, K.D., Butler, A.B., & Grzywacz, J.G. (In press). Evaluating PDAs for data collection in family research with non-professional couples. Community, Work and Family.
Butler, A.B., Grzywacz, J.G., Bass, B.L., & Linney, K.D. (2005). Extending the demands-control model: A daily diary study of job characteristics, work-family conflict, and work-family facilitation. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78, 155-169.
Bass, B. L., Barnes, H. L., Kostelecky, K. L., & Fleming, Wm. M. (2004). Service learning and portfolios: Enhancing the scholarship of integration and application. Journal of Teaching in Marriage & Family, 4 (1), 79-99.
Kostelecky, K. L., & Bass, B. L. (2004). Grandmothers and their granddaughters: Connected relationships. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 2 (1), 47-61.
Gross, P. E., & Bass, B. L. (2003, December). Teaching tools and techniques: The family map: Using the family map to explore gender role ideologies. Journal of Teaching in Marriage & Family, 3 (4), 465-474.
Grzywacz, J. G., & Bass, B. L. (2003). Work, family, and mental health: Testing different models of work-family fit. Journal of Marriage and Family, 65, 248-261.
Gross, P. E., Bass, B. L., & Franken, M. L. (2001). The use of professional portfolios in Family Science. Journal of Teaching in Marriage and Family, 1 (1), 49-63.
Deal, J. E., Stanley Hagan, M., Bass, B. L., Hetherington, M., & Clingempeel, G. (1999). Marital interaction in dyadic and triadic settings: Continuities and discontinuities. Family Process, 38, 105-115.
Bass, B. L., & Wilhelm, M. S. (1995). The boundaries between work and family: An integration of regional research projects. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 24, 87-91.