Olivia (Pei-Chun) Chen
Clinical Coordinator of School Counseling
Associate Professor of Counseling

241 Latham Hall
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Olivia (Pei-Chun) Chen
Clinical Coordinator of School Counseling
Associate Professor of Counseling
Dr. Chen is passionate about teaching counseling skills and multicultural counseling and providing faculty supervision for students during their counseling practicum and internship experiences.
Prior to joining the faculty at UNI, Dr. Chen provided counseling in a variety of school and community settings including public schools (Grades 7–12), colleges, and a social welfare foundation. She has also provided coordination, training, and administration related to guidance, counseling, and student affairs.
Dr. Chen enjoys reading fiction and is a cook of some repute.
PhD—Counselor Education, University of Florida
MEd—Guidance and Counseling, National Chenghua University of Education
BA—Guidance and Counseling, National Chenghua University of Education
- multicultural counseling
- counseling skills
- internship and practicum supervision
- counseling in Confucian societies
- international counseling
- multicultural counseling
- indigenous counseling
- multicultural supervision and training
Professional Publications
Meacham, S., Wee, S.-J., Hsieh, W.-Y., Chen, P.-C., & Davis, B. (2022). Searching for mirror books for young Asian/Asian-American children with disabilities. Asian American Literature: Discourses and Pedagogies, 11(2021/2022), 35–52. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1151&context=aaldp
Meacham, S., Hsieh, W.-Y., Wee, S.-J., Chen, P.-C., & Davis, B. (2022). Disabilities portrayed in picturebooks with the Pura Belpré Award. New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship, 28(1–2), 70–85. https://doi.org/10.1080/13614541.2021.2020552
Wang, Y.-C. L., Chan, H.-Y., & Chen, P.-C. (2018). Transitions of developmental trajectories of depressive symptoms between junior and senior high school among youths in Taiwan: Linkages to symptoms in young adulthood. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 46, 1687–1704. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-018-0408-8