Thomas Larsen
Assistant Professor of Instruction of Geography

ITTC 216
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Thomas Larsen
Assistant Professor of Instruction of Geography
Ph.D., 2018, Geography, Kansas State University
M.A., 2016, Geography, Kansas State University
B.A., 2013, Geography and Anthropology, University of Missouri-Columbia
Classes and Labs Taught:
L=Large Lecture (>50), S=Small Lecture (<50), O=Online, H=Hybrid, C=Community Engagement
- World Geography (S,L,O,H)
- Human Geography (S,L)
- Physical Geography (S,L,H)
- Environmental Geography (S,C)
- Digital Earth (S,C)
- Physical Geography Lab (Coordinator of 3 Sections)
- Climatology Lab (S)
- Atmospheric Science Lab (S)
- Human-environment geography
- Geographic education
- Humanistic geography
- Place and region
2021 Larsen, T., and L. Tabor. Geographic Leadership in an Upside-Down World. Dubuque, IA: Great River Learning.
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
2021 Larsen, T., M. Gerike, and J. Harrington, Jr. Human-Environment Thinking and K-12 Geography Education. Journal of Geography. doi: 10.1080/00221341.2021.2005666
2021 Larsen, T., and M. Solem. Conveying the Applications and Relevance of the Powerful Geography Approach Through Humanitarian Mapping. The Geography Teacher. doi: 10.1080/19338341.2021.2008470
2021 Larsen, T., M. Solem, J. Zadrozny, and R. Boehm. Contextualizing Powerful Geographic Knowledge in Higher Education: Data-Driven Curriculum Design to Interweave Student Aspirations with Workforce Applications. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education. doi:
2021 Larsen, T., and J. Harrington, Jr. Geographic Thought and the Anthropocene: What Geographers Have Said and Have to Say. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 111(3): 729-741. doi: 10.1080/24694452.2020.1796575
2021 Larsen, T., and J. Harrington, Jr. A Human-Environment Timeline. Geographical Review 111(1): 95-117. doi: 10.1080/00167428.2020.1760719
2021 Larsen, T., L. Tabor, and P. Smith. End of the Field? Hacking Online and Hybrid Environments for Field-Based Learning in Geography Education. Journal of Geography 120(1): 3-11. doi: 10.1080/00221341.2020.1858325
2021 Larsen, T., and L. Tabor. Inspiration for Early-Career Geographers. Research in Geographic Education. 22(2).
2020 Larsen, T., and J. Harrington, Jr. Enhancing Powerful Geography with Human-Environment Geography. Research in Geographic Education. 22(1).
2019 Larsen, T., and J. Harrington, Jr. Learning Progressions, Paradigms, and Geographic Thinking in the Anthropocene. Review of International Geographical Education Online (RIGEO). 9(3): 542-556.
2019 Larsen, T. 20/20 Vision on Implementation: Powerful Geography, Project Management, and the Scales of Educational Institutions. Research in Geographic Education. 20(2): 15-28.
2019 Larsen, T. American Trappist Monasteries and the Changing Spiritual Landscape. Geographical Review. 109(1): 47-66.
2018 Hite, R., P. Solís, L. Wargo, and T. Larsen. Exploring Affective Dimensions of Authentic Geographic Education Using a Qualitative Document Analysis of Students’ YouthMappers Blogs. Education Sciences 8(173). DOI: 10.3390/educsci8040173.
2018 Larsen, T., and J. Harrington, Jr. Developing a Learning Progression for Place. Journal of Geography. 117(3): 100-118.
2018 Larsen, T., and J. Harrington, Jr. Place, Learning Progressions, and Progress. Journal of Geography. 117(3): 133-136.
2018 Larsen, T., L.K. Millsaps, J. Harrington, Jr., and R. Lefferd. Learning Progressions in Geography Education: What Teachers Should Know. The Geography Teacher. 15(2): 55-67.
2017 Larsen, T., and J. Harrington, Jr. Place, Learning Progressions, and Transformative Geographic Education. Research in Geographic Education. 19(2): 66-79.
2016 Larsen, T., and J. Harrington, Jr. Mental Maps and a Community-Based Sense of Place: A Case Study among Kansas Third Graders. Research in Geographic Education. 18(2): 86-111.