Chad Christopher
Coordinator, Social Science and History Teaching

328 Seerley Hall
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Chad Christopher
Coordinator, Social Science and History Teaching
Chad is Social Science Teaching Program Coordinator and Advisor for UNI’s College of Social and Behavior Sciences. He is the advisor and supervisor for all of our History Teaching majors and shares responsibilities for the Social Science Teaching majors. In addition, Mr. Christopher teaches a class of 8th US History at a local junior high.
Mr. Christopher lives in Hudson with his wife where they have raised 3 children. Chad gives back to the Hudson community by serving as the voice of the Pirates as the Public Address Announcer for Football and Track and doing Basketball and Wrestling commentary on the schools YouTube channel.
BA, Social Science Teaching, University of Northern Iowa, 1993
MAE, University of Northern Iowa, 2009
Chad teaches both the Intro to Teaching Social Studies and Methods of Teaching Social Studies classes for the college. Also, Chad serves as the Level III field experience placement coordinator for all the majors within the college.
Chad serves as the Chair of the Teacher Education Curriculum Committee and works closely with the Iowa Department of Education on UNI curriculum updates.
P&S Council Staff Excellence Award 2021