Melinda (Mindy) Heinz

Assistant Professor of Gerontology

Melinda (Mindy) Heinz

Latham Hall 225


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Melinda (Mindy) Heinz

Assistant Professor of Gerontology




Teaching Interests

Families and end-of-life issues, families and aging, cross-cultural aging, study abroad courses. 

Research Interests

Exploring purpose and meaning in life in older adulthood, Men’s Sheds, life events, cross-cultural comparisons of aging, centenarians.

Professional Accomplishments


U.S. Fulbright Scholar Award. Exploring Men’s Sheds in Ireland.

U.S. Fulbright Alumni Award. Men’s Sheds Across Cultures and Countries.


Heinz, M., Wenthe, E., & Schramel, A.s (in-press). Therapeutic Artmaking in Long-Term Care. The International Journal of Lifelong Learning in Art Education.

Heinz, M., & Hinders, J. (in-press). Promoting and Attracting Students to Careers in Aging Services. Transnational Journal of Business

Heinz, M., Benton, N.s, & Gleissner, L. (2023). Older Adults Documenting Purpose and Meaning Through Photovoice and Narratives. The Gerontologist. https://doi: 10.1093/geront/gnad008

Heinz, M. & Houghton, F. (2023). Irish Men’s Sheds Serving as Therapeutic Landscapes for Older Men. Psychiatry Research Communications, 3(1). 100098.

Heinz, M. (2022). The Potential of Men’s Sheds as a Resource for Men Coping with Mental Health Challenges and Addiction. South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, 6, 1-5.

Zwanziger Elsinger, S. & Heinz, M. (2022). A Cross-Disciplinary Project on Marketing to Older Adults. Marketing Education Review, 32(2), 129-135.

Choi, S. L., Martin, P., Cho, J., Ryou, Y., & Heinz, M. (2022). Personality and compliance with COVID-19 protective measures among older Americans: Moderating effects of age, gender, and race/ethnicity. Personality and Individual Differences, 189, 111499.

Heinz, M., Bishop, A. J., & Finchum, T. (2021). The Lived Experiences of African American Centenarians: Narrative Exploration from a Life Course Theory Perspective.  The Gerontologist, 61(8), 1266-1276.

*s  denotes a publication with a student.