Cyndi Dunn

Professor Emerita of Anthropology

Cyndi Dunn

Professor Emerita of Anthropology


Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin 1996

Research Interests

Discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, speech styles and honorifics, language ideology, language socialization across the lifespan, narrative Japan.

Professional Accomplishments

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel. (2018) Bowing Incorrectly: Aesthetic Labor and Expert Knowledge in Japanese Business Etiquette Training.  In Japanese at Work: Politeness, Power and Personae in Japanese Workplace Discourse, ed. by H.M. Cook and J.S. Shibamoto-Smith, pp. 15-36. Palgrave Macmillan.

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (2017) Personal Narratives and Self-Transformation in Postindustrial Societies. Annual Review of Anthropology 46:65-80.  doi: 10.1146/annurev-anthro-102116-041702

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (2016)  Creating ‘Bright, Positive’ Selves: Discourses of Self and Emotion in a Japanese Public Speaking Course.  Ethos 44(2):118-132. doi:10.1111/etho.12121.

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (2014) "Then I Learned About Positive Thinking”: The Genre Structuring of Narratives of Self-Transformation. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 24(2): 133-150.  doi:10.1111/jola.12045

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (2013) Speaking Politely, Kindly, and Beautifully: Ideologies of Politeness in Japanese “Business Manners” Training.  Multilingua 32(2):225-245.  doi:10.1515/multi-2013-0011

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (2011) Formal Forms or Verbal Strategies? Politeness Theory and Japanese Business Etiquette Training. Journal of Pragmatics 43(15): 3643-3654.  doi:10.1061/j.pragma.2011.06.003

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (2010) Information Structure and Discourse Stance in a Monologic "Public Speaking" Register of Japanese. Journal of Pragmatics 42(7): 1890-1911. doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2009.12.024

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (2008) "Something Old, Something New": Cultural Bricolage in Japanese Wedding Speeches.  In M. Amano, M. O'Toole, Z. Goevel, S. Shigemi, and W. Song (eds), Identity in Text Interpretation and Everyday Life (Global COE Program International Conference Series No. 3), pp. 75-87.  Nagoya, Japan: Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University.

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (2006) Formulaic Expressions, Chinese Proverbs, and Newspaper Editorials: Exploring Type and Token Interdiscursivity in Japanese Wedding Speeches. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 16(2):153-172.

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (2005) Pragmatic Functions of Humble Forms in Japanese Ceremonial Discourse. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 15(2): 218-238.

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (2005) Genre Conventions, Speaker Identity, and Creativity: An Analysis of Japanese Wedding Speeches. Pragmatics 15(2/3): 205-228.

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (2004) Cultural Models and Metaphors for Marriage: An Analysis of Discourse at Japanese Wedding Receptions. Ethos 32(3): 348-73.

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel and Debra J. Occhi (2003) Iowa Meets Miyazaki - Bringing Coursework to Life Through Cross-Cultural Electronic Exchange. Education about Asia, 8(2): 40-44.

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (1999) Public and Private Voices: Japanese Style Shifting and the Display of Affective Intensity. In Gary Palmer and Debra J. Occhi (eds.), The Languages of Sentiment, pp. 107-127. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Dunn, Cynthia Dickel (1999) Reflections on the Future Work of Anthropology and Education: Toward the Study of Communicative Development as a Lifespan Process. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 30(4): 451-54.