Elaine M. Eshbaugh
Professor of Gerontology & Davis Professorship of Gerontology
NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative

Latham 217
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Elaine M. Eshbaugh
Professor of Gerontology & Davis Professorship of Gerontology
NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative
BA Psychology (Family Studies minor)--University of Northern Iowa 2000
MS Human Development & Family Studies--Iowa State University 2002
PhD Human Development & Family Studies (Statistics minor)--Iowa State University 2005
Research post-doc University of Kansas 2005-2006
Caregiver knowledge of Alzheimer's and related dementias; depression and mental health across the lifespan
Caregiver knowledge of Alzheimer's and related dementias; depression and mental health across the lifespan
Eshbaugh, E. M., & & Stratton, L.* (Under review). Gaps in family knowledge of Alzheimer’s disease.
Henninger IV, W., Osbeck, A.*, Eshbaugh, E. M., & Madigan, C.* (In press). Roommate status and perceived social support as predictors of college student loneliness. Journal of College and University Student Housing.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2014). Gaps in Alzheimer’s knowledge among college students. Educational Gerontology, 40, 655-665.
Eshbaugh, E. M., & Henninger, W. R. (2013). Potential mediators of the relationship between gender and death anxiety. Individual Differences Research, 11, 22-30.
Peterson, C. A., Wall, S., Jeon, H. J., Swanson, M., Carta, J. J., Luze, G. J., & Eshbaugh, E. (2013). Children living in poverty: Identification of disabilities and service receipt during preschool. The Journal of Special Education, 47, 28-40.
Eshbaugh, E. M., Gross, P., Hillebrand, K.*, Davie, J.*, & Henninger, W. R. (2012). Promoting careers in gerontology to students: What are undergraduates seeking in a career? Gerontology & Geriatrics Education.
Eshbaugh, E. M., Peterson, C. A., Wall, S., Carta, J. J., Luze, G., Swanson, M., & Heon, H. J. (2011). The impact of children’s disabilities, suspected delays, and biological risks on low-income parents’ warmth and parent-child activities. Infant and Child Development, 20, 509-524.
Gross, P. E., & Eshbaugh, E. M. (2011). Tuning them in vs. turning them on: How do we interest students in working with older adults? Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 32, 122-134.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2011). College students’ positivity toward teen mothers. Journal of Family Social Work, 14, 237-246.
Jeon, H. J., Peterson, C., Wall, S., Carta, J. C., Luze, G. L., Swanson, M., & Eshbaugh, E. M. (2011). Predicting school readiness at kindergarten entry for low-income children with additional disability risks before age 3. Exceptional Children, 77(4), 435-452.
Eshbaugh, E. M., Somervill, J. W., Kotek, J. H., Perez, E., Nalan, K. R., Wilson, C. E., & Bullis, Q. T. (2011). Presence of a dog, pet attachment, and loneliness among elders. North American Journal of Psychology, 13, 1-4.
Eshbaugh, E. M., Gross, P., & Satrom, T.* (2010). Predictors of self-reported likelihood of working with older adults. Educational Gerontology, 3, 312-329.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2010). Friend and family support as moderators of the effects of low romantic partner support on loneliness among college women. Individual Differences Research, 8, 8-16.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2010). Brief report: Does mastery buffer the impact of stress on depression among low-income mothers? Journal of Poverty, 10, 237-244.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2009). Socioeconomic predictors of mastery among mothers in poverty. Journal of Poverty, 13, 426-440.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2009). The role of friends in predicting loneliness in older adult women living alone. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 35, 13-16.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2008). Factors that predict self-perceived problem drinking among college students. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 52, 72-83.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2008). Sexuality-related outcomes of adolescent children of teen mothers. Journal of Family Social Work, 11, 373-388.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2008). Brief report: Gender, social support, and loneliness among college students. Journal of College and University Student Housing, 35, 24-33.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2008). Perceptions of living alone among older adult women. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 25, 125-137.
Gute, G., Eshbaugh, E., & Wiersma, J. (2008). Sex for you, but not for me: Double standards in undergraduate emerging adults’ definitions of ‘sex.’ Journal of Sex Research, 45, 329-337.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2008). Maternal age and depressive symptoms in a low-income sample. Journal of Community Psychology, 36, 399-409.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2008). Teen mothers: Marriage, cohabitation, and educational achievement. Journal of Family Social Work, 11, 3-16.
Eshbaugh, E. M., & Gute, G. (2008). Hookups and sexual regret among college women. Journal of Social Psychology, 148, 77-89.
Gute, G., & Eshbaugh, E. (2008). Personality as a predictor of hooking up among college students. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 25, 26-43.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2008). Potential positive and negative consequences of coresidence for teen mothers and their children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 17, 98-108.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2008). Perceptions of family relationship factors and adolescent mental health: What roles do parent and adolescent gender play? Journal of Child and Family Studies, 17, 127-139.
Peterson, C. A., Luze, G. L., Eshbaugh, E. M., Hyun-Joo, J., & Kantz, K. R. (2007). Enhancing parent-child interactions through home visiting: Promising practice or unfulfilled promise? Journal of Early Intervention, 29, 119-135.
Eshbaugh, E. M., & Luze, G. J. (2007). Adolescent and adult low-income mothers: How do needs and resources differ? Journal of Community Psychology, 35, 1037-1052.
Eshbaugh, E. M. (2006). Predictors of depressive symptomology among low-income adolescent mothers. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 9, 339-342.
Eshbaugh, E. M., Lempers, J., & Luze, G. J. (2006). Objective and self-perceived resources as predictors of depression among urban and non-urban adolescent mothers. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 35, 839-847.
* denotes student co-author