Helen Harton

Professor of Psychology and Coordinator of Graduate Studies

Helen Harton

Bartlett 2080

(319) 273-2235

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Helen Harton

Professor of Psychology and Coordinator of Graduate Studies


Ph.D. Florida Atlantic University

Research Interests


Social influence

Culture and cultural evolution


Relationship satisfaction and jealousy

Complex systems theory

Computer applications

Professional Accomplishments

Cullum, J., Okdie, B. M., & Harton, H. C. (in press). When my country is at war: Issue importance and interpersonal influence lead Iraq war attitudes to cluster within social networks. Social Influence.

Schwab, N., Cullum, J., & Harton, H. C. (in press). The effects of emergent norms and attitudes on recycling behavior. Environment & Behavior.

Harton, H. C., & Nail, P. R. (2008).  Political orientation and contemporary racism in America. In M. A. Morrison & T. G. Morrison (Eds.), The psychology of modern prejudice (pp. 51-75). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Harton, H. C. (2008). Doing it all: How to teach rigorous courses, advance research knowledge, and be an indispensable university citizen (without losing your mind). CUR Quarterly, 28(3), 18-22.

Nail, P. R., Harton, H. C., & Barnes, A. (2008). A test of Dovidio and Gaertner’s Integrated Model of Racism. North American Journal of Psychology, 10, 197-220.

Cullum, J. G., & Harton, H. C. (2007). Cultural evolution: Interpersonal influence, issue importance, and the development of shared attitudes in college residence halls. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1327-1339

Harton, H. C., & Bullock, M. (2007). Dynamic social impact: A theory of the origins and evolution of culture. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 1.

Russell, E., & Harton, H. C. (2005). The “other factors”: Using individual and relationship characteristics to predict sexual and emotional jealousy. Current Psychology: Developmental, Learning, Personality, Social, 24, 242-257.

Mariano, K. A., & Harton, H. C. (2005). Similarities in aggression, inattention/ hyperactivity, depression, and anxiety in middle childhood friendships. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 24, 471-496.

Harton, H. C., & Bourgeois, M. J. (2004). Cultural elements emerge from dynamic social impact. In M. Schaller & C. S. Crandall (Eds.), Psychological foundations of culture (pp. 41-75). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Nail, P. R., Harton, H. C., & Decker, B. P. (2003). Political orientation and modern versus aversive racism: Tests of Dovidio and Gaertner’s integrated model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 754-770.