Carolyn Hildebrandt
Professor of Psychology

Bartlett 1077
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Carolyn Hildebrandt
Professor of Psychology
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Social and Cognitive Development; Musical Development; Constructivist Approaches to Early Education
Current research projects include (1) social and cognitive development in the context of group games, (2) the development of musical intelligence, and (3) the psychology of superstition.
Hildebrandt, C. & Zan, B. (2014). Constructivist approaches to moral education in early childhood. In L. Nucci, D. Narvaez & T. Krettenaur (Eds.), Handbook of moral and character education. New York:Lawrence Erlbaum. +
Hildebrandt, C. (2007). Competition and cooperation at Hogwarts. The Iowa Psychologist (52), 5-6. +
DeVries, R., Zan, B., Hildebrandt, C., Edmiaston, R., & Sales, C. (2007). (Korean translation of DeVries et al. (2002). Developing constructivist early childhood curriculum. Practical principles and activities. New York: Teachers College Press.
Zan, B. & Hildebrandt, C. (2005). Cooperative and competitive games in constructivist classrooms. The Constructivist, 16(1),1-13*
DeVries, R., Zan, B., Hildebrandt, C., Edmiaston, R., & Sales, C. (2004). O curriculo construtivista na educacao infantil: Praticas e atividades, Sao Paulo, Brazil: Artmed Editora. (Portuguese translation of DeVries, et al. (2002). Developing constructivist early childhood curriculum: Practical principles and activities,New York: Teachers College Press).
Zan, B., Hildebrandt, C., & Stoeckel, T. (2003). First graders' interpersonal understanding in cooperative and competitive games. Early Education and Development, 14(4), 397-410.
DeVries, R., Zan, B., & Hildebrandt, C. (2002). Issues in constructivist early moral education. Early Education and Development, 13(3), 313-343.
DeVries, R., Zan, B., Hildebrandt, C., Edmiaston, R., & Sales, C. (Eds.) (2002/2004). Developing constructivist early childhood curriculum: Practical principles and activities. New York: Teachers College Press. (Portuguese
translation published in 2004).
DeVries, R., Edmiaston, R., Zan, B., & Hildebrandt, C. (2002). General principles for constructivist teaching. R. DeVries, B. Zan, C. Hildebrandt, R. Edmiaston, & C. Sales, (Eds.). Developing constructivist early childhood curriculum: Practical principles and activities. New York: Teachers College Press.
Hildebrandt, C. & Zan, B. (2002). Exploring the art and science of musical sound. In R. DeVries, B. Zan, C. Hildebrandt, R. Edmiaston, & C. Sales, (Eds.) Developing constructivist early childhood curriculum: Practical
principles and activities. New York: Teachers College Press.
Hildebrandt, C. & Zan, B. (2002). Using games to teach mathematics. R. DeVries, B. Zan, C. Hildebrandt, R. Edmiaston,& C. Sales, (Eds.) Developing constructivist early childhood curriculum: Practical principles
and activities. New York: Teachers College Press.
Sales, C. & Hildebrandt, C. (2002). Developing geometric reasoning using pattern blocks. In R. DeVries, B. Zan, C. Hildebrandt, R. Edmiaston, & C. Sales, (Eds.). Developing constructivist early childhood curriculum: Practical principles and activities. New York: Teachers College Press.
DeVries, R. Zan, B., & Hildebrandt, C. (2002). Group games. In R. DeVries, B. Zan, C. Hildebrandt, R. Edmiaston, & C. Sales, (Eds.). Developing constructivist early childhood curriculum: Practical principles and
activities. New York: Teachers College Press.
DeVries, R., Hildebrandt, C. & Zan, B. (2000). Constructivist early education for moral development. Early Education and Development, 11(1), 5-35.
Hildebrandt, C. & Oliver, J. (2000). The mind as black box: A simulation of theory-building in psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 27(3), 195-197.
Hildebrandt, C. & Zulauf, M. (l999). Quand les psychologues s'interessent au developpement musicale de l'enfant. Revue Musicale Swisse, 4, 3-7.
Hildebrandt, C. (1998). Developing mathematical understanding through invented games. Teaching Children Mathematics, 5(3), 191-195.
Hildebrandt, C. (1998). Creativity and music in early childhood. Young Children, 53(6), 68-74.
Helwig, C., Hildebrandt, C., & Turiel, E. (l995). Children's judgments about psychological harm in social context. Child Development, 66(6), 1680-1693.
Turiel, E., Hildebrandt, C., & Wainryb, C. (l991). Inconsistency and consistency in reasoning about social issues. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 56(2), Serial No. 224.
Watson, M., Hildebrandt, C., & Solomon, D. (l988). Cooperative learning as a means of promoting pro-social development among kindergarten and early primary grade children. International Journal of Social Education, 3:2,
Hildebrandt, C. (l987). Structural-developmental research in music: Conservation and representation. In J. C. Peery, I. W. Peery, & T. W. Draper (Eds.), Music and child development. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Hildebrandt, C. (l985). The effect of sustained and non-sustained sounds on adults' representations of simple rhythms. Arts and Learning Research Journal, 3, 100-110.
Hildebrandt, C. (l984). Children's representations of time in music. Arts and Learning Research Journal, 2, 14-22.