Affiliate Faculty
WGS Affiliate Faculty
Women's and Gender Studies at The University of Northern Iowa is comprised of a wonderful team of affiliate faculty members. These professors are from a variety of disciplines across campus. Here are some, but not limited to, the professors that we have worked with:
College of Business Administration
Amin, Shahina - Economics
College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Goldman, Joanne - History
College of Humanities, Arts & Sciences
Altstatt, Alison - School of Music
Boyd, Melinda - School of Music
Cooley, Jennifer - Languages & Literatures
Del Carlo, Dawn - Chemistry & Biochemistry, Science Education
Diesburg, Sarah - Computer Science
Dooley, Alexandra - Art
Gallivan, Heather - Mathematics
Hill, Susan - Philosophy & World Religions, Department Head
Hoofnagle, Wendy - Languages & Literatures, Interim Associate Dean of Graduate College
Husband, Julie - Languages & Literatures
Jerónimo, Heather - Languages & Literatures
McGeough, Danielle - Communication Studies
Miller, Catherine - Mathematics
Miller, Wendy - Art
Palczewski, Cate - Communication Studies
Sari, Yasemin - Philosophy & World Religions
Soans, Francesca - Communication Studies
Steinthorsdottir, Olof - Mathematics
Sutton, Elizabeth - Art, Department Head
Swan, Jesse - Languages & Literatures
Wonders, Brooke - Languages & Literatures
Zigarovich, Jolene - Languages & Literatures
College of Education
Cunningham, Karen - Continuing Education & Special Programs, Director of CDE & Individual Studies
Devlin, Michele - School of Kinesiology, Allied Heath & Human Services
Meacham, Sohyun - Curriculum & Instruction
Scholl, Kathleen - School of Kinesiology, Allied Health & Human Services
Other Affiliates
Berry, Gwennette - Assistant Director Community Impact
Heistad, Deirdre - Undergraduate Studies
Nolte, Amandajean Freking - Library, Humanities Librarian

Kimberly Baker
Associate Professor of Criminology
SAC Internship Coordinator
Email Kimberly Baker →
(319) 273-7456

Barbara Cutter
Professor of History
Email Barbara Cutter →
(319) 273-5909

Wm. Michael Fleming
Associate Professor of Family Studies
Director of Research and Assessment, Patricia A. Tomson Center for Violence Prevention
Email Wm. Michael Fleming →
(319) 273-6301
Campus Advisory Board Members
Bass, Brenda - College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Dean of CSBS
Berry, Gwennette - Assistant to President & Chief Diversity Officer
Cormaney, Molly - Instructor, Women’s and Gender Studies
Fleming, Michael - School of Applied Human Sciences, Director of Research and Assessment at the Center for Violence Prevention
Hoofnagle, Wendy - Languages & Literatures
Jerónimo, Heather - Languages & Literatures
Kannan, Kalyani - LGBTQ+ Student Services Coordinator
Mozak, Alysa - Director, Patricia A. Tomson Center for Violence Prevention
McGeough, Danielle - Associate Professor, Communications Studies
Nolte, Amandajean - Assistant Professor, Library / Humanities Librarian
Renfro, Jayme - Assistant Professor, Political Science
Sari, Yasemin - Philosophy & World Religions
Soans, Francesca - Communication Studies
Wohlpart, Kathryn - Graduate College, Thesis & Dissertation Services Coordinator
Adb El Hai, Saja - WGS Student Representative and Graduate Programming Assistant
Cutcher, Meghan - WGS Student Representative and Graduate Programming Assistant
Lyman, Staycie - WGS Secretary