Political & Campaign Consulting

Candidates, political parties, businesses, and nonprofit advocacy organizations spend billions of dollars every year to influence public opinion and convince people who to vote for. All of these groups hire consulting firms to shape their messages, craft advocacy and outreach strategies, organize supporters, and create advertising and social media campaigns.

Jobs include: 

  • Political campaign manager
  • Spokesperson
  • Social media coordinator
  • Advertising consultant
  • Speechwriting
  • Survey researcher & data analyst

Majors / minors / certificates to pair with Poli Comm:

  • Interactive Digital Studies (major/minor)
  • Digital media production (minor)
  • Marketing (major/minor)
  • Geographic Information Systems (minor/certificate)
  • Public Relations (major/minor)
  • Professional Writing (minor)
  • Psychology (major/minor)
  • Statistical computing (certificate)


Lobbying & Government Relations 

Citizens need to talk to their representatives, and they usually do it through organizations. When you hear the word “lobbying,” you may think of big businesses talking to representatives in Washington, D.C., but that’s only part of the picture. Businesses, nonprofit organizations, and community groups also communicate with city, county, and state governments. Even many moderately sized businesses and nonprofits have government relations offices that craft advocacy and outreach strategies, organize supporters, and serve as liaisons to elected and appointed officials. 

Jobs include:

  • Government relations officer
  • Advertising consultant
  • Social media coordinator
  • Lobbyist

Majors / minors / certificates to pair with Poli Comm:

  • Interactive Digital Studies (major/minor)
  • Digital media production (minor)
  • Marketing (major/minor)
  • Public Relations (major/minor)
  • Professional Writing (minor)
  • Statistical computing (certificate)


Government Public Relations & Strategic Communication Office

Elected and appointed officials need to be able to talk to constituents, and they do it through direct communications (mailings, social media, speeches) or through the press. They need to communicate important public health and safety information, explain public policy, justify choices they’ve made, or communicate with foreign governments. Government agencies in larger cities and at the state and federal level have communication offices that help them do so. 

Jobs include:

  • Spokesperson
  • Speech writer
  • Social media coordinator
  • Foreign service officer

Majors / minors / certificates to pair with Poli Comm:

  • Public Relations (major/minor)
  • Professional Writing (minor)
  • Statistical computing (certificate)
  • International Affairs (minor)
  • Global Studies (major)

Journalism & Media

Even in the age of social media, reporters still serve as the key way that both citizens and those within government learn about what’s going on in the world. Local, state, and national newspapers, websites, social media companies, and broadcast media need people to do research, gather information, and report the news. They are also large organizations that need to gather and analyze data about their audiences and users and sell their product. 

Jobs include:

  • Reporter
  • Researcher 
  • Data analyst
  • Social media strategist

Majors / minors / certificates to pair with Poli Comm:

  • Journalism (minor)
  • Interactive Digital Studies (major/minor)
  • Digital media production (minor)
  • Marketing (major/minor)
  • Geographic Information Systems (minor/certificate)
  • Public Relations (major/minor)
  • Statistical computing (certificate)