SW Student Assessment Planning Form - Faculty Only

Spring 2022 - Due Febraury 4, 2022

Spring 2022 Student Assessment Process (see Faculty Handbook, Chapter 3) required for all faculty: Please read and complete all applicable fields below.

Tenured Faculty: Student assessments were to be administered in every class in the Fall for tenured faculty, Associate Instructors (renewable term) and Senior Instructors (renewable term), not counting years on leave or non-teaching assignments.

•Additional student assessments shall be required in every class in the Spring semester for faculty who have received a Needs Improvement rating in the area of teaching in the previous Annual Review or for whom an improvement plan pertaining to teaching is in effect.

•Tenured faculty, Associate Instructors (renewable term), and Senior Instructors (renewable term) may also request student assessments be conducted of their classes for either (a) informational purposes only or (b)Faculty Evaluation File for the Spring semester. However, the decision as to whether the assessment is evaluatory or informational must be made at the beginning of the semester and is non-revocable. The University shall process informational assessments but no record of the results shall be kept in the Faculty Evaluation File or utilized in the review process (Faculty Handbook, Subparagraph 3.5d.1b).

Probationary, Term, Renewable Term and Adjunct Faculty: Student assessments shall be administered in every class, every semester for inclusion in your Faculty Evaluation File.

•In-class student assessments for in-person or hybrid courses will be administered at the beginning of each class on dates chosen by you during the last five weeks of the Spring semester. Please complete this form to inform your department head of the exact days/times for each Spring class assessment to be administered between April 4, 2022 and May 6, 2022. A half-semester class will be assessed during the last two weeks of that particular class.
•Distance education/Online course student assessments: A two-week window for student assessments will be open and available for students between April 25, 2022 and May 6, 2022. Distance education/online courses of shorter duration need to be completed during the last two weeks of the course for half-semester courses or near the end of any shorter instructional time period.
Departments schedule all in-class and distance education/online course assessments.

Faculty Type