Funding Support Options

UNI Scholarships

Merchant Scholarships

To be considered for this scholarship, a student must have received a bachelor's degree from the University of Northern Iowa. Eligibility extends to individuals who graduate within six months after the March 1 due date of this form. A student must also be enrolled (by the fall semester after the scholarship is awarded) full time in any accredited post-baccalaureate graduate or professional school of their choice, either domestic or foreign. Applicants can be in any year of graduate study.

The scholarships are awarded on the basis of ability, achievement, character, potential and service to society.

Legacy Scholars

Legacy Scholars targets historically underrepresented students who demonstrate a strong commitment to their education and are interested in pursuing post-baccalaureate opportunities within one year of graduating from UNI.  Through a competitive application process, scholars will be selected to participate in this two-year cohort model designed to help them discover their fullest potential beyond a four-year degree. 

Ideal candidates should be a UNI undergraduate student, preferably of junior-standing when applying, demonstrate strong academic potential, and be from an underrepresented ethnic/racial minority group, and/or be eligible for a federal Pell Grant, and/or be a 1st generation college student.