Panther Profile: Lucy Gee









BA in Psychology, Certificate in Industrial Organizational Psychology, 2007

Currently pursuing an MBA at the University of Iowa 

Current Occupation:
Strategy Development Consultant at Principal Financial Group, Des Moines, IA 

Why did you choose to attend UNI? 

I know it’s a cliche, but UNI was the perfect size for me. I loved the opportunity to get to know the faculty well while still getting the experiences of a larger campus. During my time at UNI, I stressed a lot about what major to choose, ultimately, I landed on I/O Psych because it knew the skills I learned could be marketed in almost any industry. I didn’t know where I wanted to end up after graduation, but I knew that understanding people and how they interact in a workplace could benefit me. I also loved that the classes were immediately applicable to my everyday life. 

What do you do in your current position? 

I have recently placed out of Principal’s Leadership Development Program into a new role. After spending 3 years rotating to different areas of the company, I found I was passionate about strategy. My current role is as a strategist in our retirement business where I help leaders determine the vision and impact they want to have. This can include plans for team/people development, increasing sales, or creating efficiencies. Once we determine a leader’s “north star” or end goal we build a roadmap for how we can get there and report on progress and major milestones. I love that my job looks a little different every day and that I get to be involved in the development and execution of major efforts which ultimately benefit Principal customers. 

How did your major help prepare you for your current role? 

First, a general understanding of people and motivation has been beneficial to me not only in the workplace but in life generally. Second, the focus on data-informed decision making within psychology is an important mindset that I have been able to carry with me and still use to this day. 

What is a memorable part of your studies or participation within your major?

Within the I/O Psych major I was able to be a TA for Dr. Gasser and complete an honors thesis project with Dr. Butler. Working with and learning from them really helped me gain confidence in my ability to take the concepts I was studying and share them with others. Those leadership skills have benefited me so much in my career. 

What advice would you give to students currently interested in the same major and/or going into your career field?

One thing I love about Psychology is that it is not limiting in the careers paths it leads to, I was a Psych major and ended up in Financial Services! Taking classes in I/O Psych can benefit you regardless of the path or industry you chose. I would encourage students who are interested to try some classes, meet with students and faculty to ask questions, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to know now where you want to be down the road.