Gerontology Major

ger·on·tol·o·gy: the study of aging and related issues.

As the ONLY four-year gerontology program in Iowa, the University of Northern Iowa equips students for fulfilling careers dedicated to supporting our aging population.

The major offers two tracks: social sciences and long-term care administration. Approximately half of UNI gerontology students work in nursing homes after graduation, with others working in a wide variety of senior support services.

Student with elderly resident

#1 in Iowa

UNI offers the ONLY four-year gerontology program in the state of Iowa.

Strong Demand

The need for professionals in the field of aging is growing exponentially, as the population in the United States ages rapidly. 

Growing Field

The demand for elder care will be fueled by a steep rise in the number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, which could nearly triple to 14 million by 2050.

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Gerontology Program
Elaine M. Eshbaugh
Latham 217

Phone: 319-273-6083

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Why Gerontology?

Find your path.

Don't get lost in the shuffle. With UNI's gerontology program, you'll receive individualized advising and our faculty will know you personally. Most classes in the major and minor have under 50 students. Our diverse, interdisciplinary curriculum includes coursework in:

  • Human Growth and Development
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Psychology of Aging
  • Social Gerontology
  • Understanding Communication Disorders
  • Families and End of Life Issues
  • Families, Alzheimer's and Related Dementias
  • Social Services for Older Adults
Student with aging resident

Shape your future.

The need for professionals in the field of aging is growing exponentially, as the population in the United States ages rapidly.

By 2060, the number of Americans over 65 is projected to double. The number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease could nearly triple to 14 million by 2050.

This increased demand for elder care needs people who work in the field of aging in a wide variety of capacities. Students pursuing the LTC administration track at UNI will be qualified to sit for the Iowa boards in order to become a licensed nursing home administrator. Students pursuing the social sciences track will be qualified to work in a variety of settings, including area agencies on aging, non-profit and government agencies, nursing homes, assisted livings and adult day cares.

Laughing older adults

Go beyond.

Both the LTC Administration and Social Sciences track require a dedicated internship. 

The internship for the Gerontology: Social Sciences track requires 250 hours. Potential internship sites include area agencies on aging, the Alzheimer's Association, adult day cares, state and federal agencies, nursing homes, senior centers, assisted livings, and retirement communities. Social science track interns must work either directly or indirectly with older adults.

The Gerontology: Long-Term Care Administration track requires 720 hours to be completed at a long term care facility.

Activities director with residents

Find your path.

Don't get lost in the shuffle. With UNI's gerontology program, you'll receive individualized advising and our faculty will know you personally. Most classes in the major and minor have under 50 students. Our diverse, interdisciplinary curriculum includes coursework in:

  • Human Growth and Development
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Psychology of Aging
  • Social Gerontology
  • Understanding Communication Disorders
  • Families and End of Life Issues
  • Families, Alzheimer's and Related Dementias
  • Social Services for Older Adults
Student with aging resident

Shape your future.

The need for professionals in the field of aging is growing exponentially, as the population in the United States ages rapidly.

By 2060, the number of Americans over 65 is projected to double. The number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease could nearly triple to 14 million by 2050.

This increased demand for elder care needs people who work in the field of aging in a wide variety of capacities. Students pursuing the LTC administration track at UNI will be qualified to sit for the Iowa boards in order to become a licensed nursing home administrator. Students pursuing the social sciences track will be qualified to work in a variety of settings, including area agencies on aging, non-profit and government agencies, nursing homes, assisted livings and adult day cares.

Laughing older adults

Go beyond.

Both the LTC Administration and Social Sciences track require a dedicated internship. 

The internship for the Gerontology: Social Sciences track requires 250 hours. Potential internship sites include area agencies on aging, the Alzheimer's Association, adult day cares, state and federal agencies, nursing homes, senior centers, assisted livings, and retirement communities. Social science track interns must work either directly or indirectly with older adults.

The Gerontology: Long-Term Care Administration track requires 720 hours to be completed at a long term care facility.

Activities director with residents
Gerontology students in dementia simulation house

Dementia Simulation House

The gerontology program also houses UNI's Dementia Simulation House, an innovative hands-on learning experience that helps educate students, alongside campus and community partners, on what it’s like to live with dementia.

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