Social Science Teaching Major

There are two options or paths of study for social science teaching at UNI, pending your future career aspirations.

All Social Science

Students are required to take a minimum number of classes from seven content areas: American Government, American History, Economics, Geography, Psychology, Sociology and World History. This major leads to the Iowa all-social science endorsement for grades 5-12.

Basic Social Science

Students will obtain certification within Iowa for American Government, American History and World History plus one other social science area for grades 5-12. The fourth area can be selected from Economics, Geography, Psychology or Sociology. This major leads to the Iowa endorsements in four areas (Government, US History, World History and one student choice) for grades 5-12.

Student teaching

Largest in Iowa

UNI's teacher education is, hands-down, the best in the state!

Flexible Options

Student teach in Iowa, throughout the United States or even overseas.

More than a Number

Small classroom sizes, dedicated faculty and ample support.

Want to learn more?

Fill out your information here and we'll be in touch!

Contact us directly at:

Chad Christopher
Advisor, History and Social Science Teaching
Seerley 328
Department of History
Phone: 319-273-3157

Lisa Tabor
Assistant Professor
Innov Teaching & Tech Ctr 216
Department of Geography
Phone: 319-273-7343

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Grow your future.

Students are prepared to become teachers through four graduated field experiences:


30 hours – The purpose of the field experience is to help the students familiarize themselves with the roles, responsibilities and professional relationships of teachers.


25 hours – Students will teach multiple lessons under the supervision of a classroom teacher and UNI field experience faculty member.


35 hours – Students will spend a whole week shadowing a practicing teacher. During this week students will practice the skills necessary to teach a full day.


16 weeks of full-time teaching – If at one of the in-state centers students will do two separate placements. One eight-weeks will be spend in a middle school/junior high setting and the other eight-weeks will be in a high school setting.