Colby Grothoff

Colby Grothoff
BA History Education, All-Social Science Endorsement, 2015
Why did you choose to attend UNI? What factors influenced your reason for studying your major?
I personally chose UNI for their education program, which is still one of the best around. I told my 6th grade teacher, Renae Smith, that I was going to be a Social Studies teacher….. The rest is history. After touring UNI, everything felt right. I had heard from many others that were older than me attending UNI and specifically the College of Education that it was the place to go. Something that they kept mentioning was the close-contact to peers and professors in the classroom, which pays huge dividends to any profession one may go into. Lastly, there was always this conception that “if you have UNI on your resume for an education job….. you’re moved to the top.” Though I was unsure if this was true, every employer I have had has confirmed that.
What do you do in your current position? What do you enjoy about it?
I am currently a 9th grade US History teacher at Peet Junior High in Cedar Falls. I teach 3 sections of 9th US History and two sections of Honors US History. I love everything about where I work. I did my Level II experience at Peet Jr High with a teacher 3 classrooms down from me, and am especially grateful I received a job here. Every day brings something new we can talk about and discuss in all different ways. My UNI professors prepared me for the best and to be able to put these learnings into action each day in my classroom.
How did your major help prepare you for your current role? What skills are you still using today?
My major helped with EVERYTHING in my career. UNI as a whole was amazing, but the History and Social Science department is TOP NOTCH. I was prepared more than I could have imagined, and a lot of that helped with being able to connect with my professors instead of getting lost in huge auditoriums just to get a credit. I still keep in touch with some former professors and cannot thank them enough. I was taught a lot to connect anything we learn about and to make it relevant to the students, and to be able to relate anything we are learning about to change in today’s society. Now…. I do this every single day and it propels all learning in my classroom.
What is a memorable part of your studies or participation within your major?
Of course, there are way too many to recall! All of my field experiences were amazing. I still keep in touch with many. A class that I particularly enjoyed and have a lot of respect for as an instructor was Dr. Tom Connors, Intro to Public History. I was able to learn things through many different perspectives and see why exactly history is important, and why it should appear relevant to everyone. I spent a lot of time at the Cedar Fall Historical Society, and was able to see what all the buildings downtown Cedar Falls (mainly Main St.) were when Sturgis Falls was first formed. Ultimately, the class allowed me to have a greater respect for all things history, and simply see how one can look at something and appreciate all the change that has occurred.
What advice would you give to students currently interested in the same major and/or going into your career field?
Dive in and don’t look back. Wow, there is so much to offer in the History department. Take advantage of ALL the opportunities, whether it is History or Education related-- DO IT! I learned so much from all my hands-on experiences at UNI, and has helped me become the teacher that I am today. I learned to not be afraid to dive in and meet new people and try different approaches to teaching. One will learn…. that’s every day in the life of a teacher.
Is there anything else you would like to add or share?
Anytime I get to give back to UNI is a gratifying experience. The university, especially the History department and education department, taught me so many different life lessons and exposed me to different scenarios in society as a whole.
Thank you professors-- trust me-- what they are doing is working!!!