Rochel R. Rittgers

Rochel R. Rittgers

Inducted in 2019

Rochel R. Rittgers graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts degree (1981) in Physical Education with a minor in Athletic Training, thereafter earning a Masters of Science degree (1983), from Eastern Kentucky University. She served as administrative director of Sports Medicine, Regional Sports Medicine Institute and director of Sports Medicine Outreach, Associated Rehabilitation Services. Rochel was an athletic trainer at the Olympic Training Center while serving as coordinator of Intercollegiate Athletic Training, head trainer and director of the Sports Medicine curriculum at Augustana College (1985-2012).

 Rochel was recognized (2013) as the Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association and was inducted into the Illinois Trainers Association Hall of Fame (2007). Rittgers has been Medical Director for two, Division III National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) National Wrestling Championships (1991 & 1995) and one Division III Regional Cross Country Championship (2001). She has chaired many National Athletic Trainers Association committees and served (2004) as president of the Illinois Athletic Trainers Association. Rittgers was a Clinical Instructor Educator for Athletic Training for the Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs (2000-2012) and is the founder and owner of Infinite Living LLC and presently serves as senior minister of the Infinite Living Holistic Health and Spiritually Center, Bettendorf, IA.