Tim Strauss

Professor Emeritus


ITTC 209

Tim Strauss

Professor Emeritus


Ph.D. University of Washington

Research Interests

Economic geography, transportation, GIS applications

Professional Accomplishments

Tim Strauss and Jess Elder (2004) Crash Patterns of Older Drivers in Iowa: A Systematic Spatial Analysis, Final Report prepared for the Iowa Department of Transportation, July.

Barbara Hildebrant and Tim Strauss (2004), "Assuring Quality in Advanced Placement Human Geography: Development and Assessment," Expanding Horizons in a Shrinking World, Symposium Proceedings, Commission on Geographic Education, International Geographical Union, Glasgow, Scotland, August 13-15.

S. Easa, T. Strauss, Y. Hassan, and R. Souleyrette (2002) "Three-Dimensional Transportation Analysis: Planning and Design," ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 128 (3), 250-258.

Reginald R. Souleyrette, David Plazak, Tim Strauss, and Stephen J. Andrle (2001) "Applications of State Employment Data to Transportation Planning," Transportation Research Record, No. 1768, 26-35.

Reginald R. Souleyrette and Tim Strauss (2000) "Transportation" in Urban Planning and Development Applications of GIS, S. Easa and Y. Chan (eds.), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Press, Reston, Virginia, Chapter 7, 117-132.

Tim Strauss, Reg Souleyrette, Dan Giesemen, and Tom Maze (1999) "Development of a GIS-Based Crash Location Tool," Proceedings of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) 6th World Congress, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 8-12.

Selected Presentations

Contemporary Needs in Modern American Agriculture and the Impact on Rural Areas , 2005 Advanced Placement National Conference, College Board, Orlando, Florida, July 16, 2005.

Importance of Scale in Human Geography, Rice University Advanced Placement Summer Institute, Rice University, Houston, Texas, July 18, 2005.

Population Dynamics in the Rural Midwest: Causes and Consequences, 89th Annual Meeting of the National Council for Geographic Education, Kansas City, Missouri, October 22, 2004.

Rediscovering Geography in United States Secondary Schools Through Advanced Placement Human Geography, 30th Congress of the International Geographical Union, Glasgow, Scotland, August 16, 2004.

Human Geography and the Cultural Landscape, 2004 Advanced Placement National Conference, College Board, Orlando, Florida, July 17, 2004.

Writing Essays for the AP Human Geography Exam, 2004 Advanced Placement National Conference, College Board, Orlando, Florida, July 17, 2004.

Spatial Analysis of Differential Risk in Age-Related Crash Patterns in Iowa, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 6, 2003

Applications of State Employment Data to Transportation Planning, 80th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 10, 2001.

Transportation Asset Management and the Issue of Indirect Economic Impacts, North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Chicago, IL, November 9-12, 2000.