Jaydon VandeNoord

Jaydon VandeNoord
How did you end up at UNI?
A UNI representative came to my high school. Since then, I couldn’t stop thinking about it!
Why did you choose to pursue this degree at UNI?
I knew I wanted to help people and I loved sports, and this way I could put the two together
What’s been your favorite experience at UNI so far?
My favorite experience has been the caring culture that UNI has to offer. The professors really do care about you and I have so many friends that I see around campus! Another huge impact on my life has been the Salt company, as I have been involved for all four years.
How has UNI helped you achieve your goals?
UNI has shown me how to be the trainer that I want to be. I have developed many skills and much knowledge along the way that will help me through my entire career.
What challenges have you faced as you've worked toward this degree – and how have you overcome them?
Coming into my junior year of college, I got engaged and it really put a strain on my ability to complete required work. After meeting with my advisor and talking through what it looked like for me to graduate, I dropped a course that was taking up a lot of my time and that helped me focus on helping my wife plan our wedding! Other than that, my journey through college has been very smooth.
What advice would you give to students considering UNI?
Don’t be afraid to get involved when you get here! Find things you like to do and do them. Also, find out what you believe in.
How has your experience at UNI impacted you?
I have loved all of my four years here. It has made me grow as a person. I would recommend it to anyone considering it!
What do you plan to do with your degree?
I will attend graduate school and obtain my license in athletic training!