Kristin Meany-Walen

Adjunct Professor

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Kristin Meany-Walen

Adjunct Professor


Ph.D., Counseling, University of North Texas, 2010
M.A., Clinical Mental Health Counseling, University of Northern Iowa, 2007
B.A., Psychology & Sociology, Upper Iowa University, 2003

Teaching Interests

Play therapy, children & adolescents counseling, clinical courses including skills, group, internship and practicum 

Research Interests

Play therapy & Counselor Wellness

Professional Accomplishments

Kottman, T., & Meany-Walen, K. K. (2018). Doing play therapy: From Building the Relationship to Facilitating Change New York, NY: Guilford Press. 

Kottman, T., & Meany-Walen, K. K. (2016). Partners in play: An Adlerian approach to play therapy (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

Meany-Walen, K. K., Teeling, S., Davis, A., Artley, G., & Vignovich, A. (2017). Effects of a play therapy intervention on children’s on-task behaviors, total problems, and ADHD symptoms. Professional School Counselor Journal, 20, 89-101. doi: 10.5330/1096-2409-20.1.89

·   (acceptance rate = 12%; circulation = 30,000).

Meany-Walen, K. K., & Davis-Gage, D., & Lindo, N. (2016). Practicum students and wellness: Exploring students’ wellness following a wellness-specific intervention. Journal of Counseling and Development, 94, 464-472. doi:10.1002/jcad.12105

·  (Impact factor =: 1.216; 5 yr impact = 1.509)

Meany-Walen, K. K., Bratton, S., & Kottman, T. (2014). Effects of Adlerian play therapy reducing students’ disruptive behaviors. Journal of Counseling and Development, 92(1), 47-56. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6676.2014.00129.x

·  (Impact factor = .545; 5 yr impact = .892)